Tsunami (Sea of ​​death)

Sea of ​​death

Tsunami. Sea of death 

Neck wear on the belly is not tinted,
But all of us live.
Everything has been flushed
                in the water,
The tranquil Tsunami
                     did not forgiven.

Human sin and madness,
Millions of years of impacts were stored in the earth's bosom.

Water flows around,
There is no way left for the last moment of death.
What's the harm to "him"!

Everything is going
             on floating in death,
What do we have,
         was left is that and it went.

How many children have orphaned,
How many widow,
How many mothers of children die.

People of all levels makes
      a strong storm of commitment.
What is the politics
                 of those dead people?

Leaders have this opportunity,
They used to.
Food clothes and shelter,
In the meantime
   the leaders took out the savings.

What will happen to those
      who have survived this death?
The future will be
more peace filled with happiness
                              and love.

Tsunami (Sea of ​​death) Tsunami (Sea of ​​death) Reviewed by BongM on Tuesday, August 14, 2018 Rating: 5

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