Lay out of Nature_Save our Environment.

Nature have the power to save also to destroy the world  The word ‘environment’ is derived from the old French word ‘environer’ – which means to ‘surround, enclose, and encircle’.Environment refers to an aggregate of conditions or surroundings in which living beings such as humans, animals, and plants live or survive and non-living things exist.

All living beings including man and their environment are mutually reactive, affecting each other in a number of ways.It is generally equated with nature wherein physical components of the planet earth such as earth, air, water, etc. support and affect life in the biosphere.
Our Environment is our life 


Environment represents the physical components of the earth, wherein man is an important factor affecting the environment.

Environment comprises interacting systems of physical, biological, and cultural elements, which are interlinked individually as well as collectively in various ways.
Lay out of Nature_Save our Environment. Lay out of Nature_Save our Environment. Reviewed by BongM on Wednesday, June 13, 2018 Rating: 5

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